4 iul. 2009

Hire Doug!

Doug Winfield, who until recently was a VP of Digital Strategies at Waggener Edstrom, applied for a job at SHIFT Communications, but he didn't send out a resume like the average Joe. Using Facebook's precisely targeted advertising, he caught the attention of the entire SHIFT office through this ad which appeared in their Facebook sidebar.

pic via

7 iun. 2009

How big is Wikipedia anyway?

3 iun. 2009

Are you suffering from IOS?

Take a look . It may not be too late

31 mai 2009

Which blogs should we read?

PR Reader’s Choice Blog Awards announced its shortlist:

30 mai 2009

For 2 months, Bucharest stopped breathing

...at Olimpiadele Comunicarii (for team Jack).

In the past 2 months, we "created" an agency, formed a team and completed 2 campaigns. In other words, we competed at Olimpiadele Comunicarii.
After good times, sleepless nights, running in circles and brainstorming all day long, we made it to the podium, second place to be exact, with this campaign:

6 mar. 2009


Skittles thought social media would be like stealing candy from a baby, but this time the baby fought back.

It all started Monday morning when all visitors trying to access the official Skittles site found themselves looking at a Twitter search page.

The “Chat the Rainbow” slogan was supposed to encurage visitors to share their thoughts on Skittles, so that the Twitter stream would look more like a story made of 140 character-long bits.

This PR stunt was cleaver in theory- getting people to talk about your brand in a new, exciting and different way. But what Skittles omitted in practice was the very essence of social media (and Twitter in particular)- actively engaging, interacting with the community.

People don’t just settle for information anymore, they want a human face to go with it; they want conversations, answers tailored to their needs and wishes.

When brands like Starbucks, Whole Foods, Home Depot and even Kodak choose to connect, listen, engage and bring value to their consummers, you can’t afford to do it wrong.

Sure, Skittles covered all the bases (again- in theory)- from Twitter to Facebook and from Flickr to Youtube, but a closer look unveils the lack of implication and communication with the communities they entered.

As for the Twitter stream, the lack of filters and no way of moderating tweets, the Skittles campaign opened the door to some very offensive tweets right on their homepage; moreover, visitors looking for actual information about Skittles products easily got frustrated by the effort of “digging” through pages and pages of spam in order to find the relevant bits of information they were looking for.

Due to the backfire of the Twitter experiment, Skittles moved their homepage to Facebook and later on Wikipedia, failing to adapt to the new conditions. Now, the Skittles social media campaign has become a case study on how to fail in social media. Lesson learned?

1 mar. 2009

Evan Williams on what's behind Twitter's explosive growth